Apps for Your Shopify Store: What, Like It's Hard?

If you felt like Elle Woods when she passed her LSAT at the start of your ecommerce journey, and now you feel like throwing chocolate at the TV because you're stuck in apps land – I got you! Navigating the world of Shopify can be tricky, whether you're a seasoned store owner or just getting started. One common struggle is figuring out which apps to use to optimize your store.

I object!

While it’s easy to get caught up in app choices, remember that attracting traffic is just as crucial. The right apps can enhance functionality, and I personally think they are fun to add-on, but it's not as important as getting traffic. 

Let me make a few suggestions before we dive in:

  • Keep it simple - my favorite combination is listed at the end...
  • Eye on the ROI - costs add up
  • Think of apps in these categories: design apps, conversion apps, management apps.

Bottom line: Picking apps won't necessarily bring in sales. Just like getting the internship wasn't going to win Warner (ew) back into Elle's life.

When it comes to apps, a few standout options can significantly improve your business. Many apps have a free or low-cost trial. I specifically like using apps that have a chat feature for customer support.

Best Shopify Apps

For reviews and social proof, consider using To encourage customer loyalty, offers fantastic features.

For managing downloads, the native Shopify app or Big Download are solid choices.

Email marketing is a must-have for any online store, and Klaviyo shines in this area, allowing for personalized customer communication and syncs with many Shopify apps.

Start a free account here if you're just getting started with email marketing.

To customize your store's pages, the Zipify Page Builder offers user-friendly solutions. If you're looking to bundle products, Connected Inventory has you covered. 

For shipping, Pirate Ship offers efficient and cost-effective options. If you’re exploring subscription offerings for your products, PayWhirl is a great pick. 


Popular Social Proof Shopify Apps

Among popular apps, SalesPop is widely used for social proof. However, if your site already features many dynamic elements, it might be wise to prioritize other options. If you aren't going to use, consider using InstaFeed to showcase your Instagram grid on your homepage or other pages – much like how Elle used creative tactics to spruce up her application video and give it a little life.


My Favorite Shopify Apps

The best combination of apps, with results as dreamy as Emmet Richmond, a combination of apps like,, and Klaviyo, can achieve impressive results.


List of Best Shopify Apps:

  1. Judge.Me
  3. Klaviyo
  4. Big Download
  5. Zipify
  6. Connected Inventory
  7. Pirate Ship
  8. Paywhirl
  9. InstaFeed
  10. SalesPop


If you want personalized app recommendations tailored to your Shopify store, head to – our community for Shopify merchants. Your participation will ensure your Shopify business growth is as successful as Elle’s courtroom career.

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